As title mansion, I'm gonna talk crap.
Recently, I am so desperate to get a half arm tattoo. Actually is not suddenly-make-up-my mind kinda thing. I wanted to have it long long ago just that I need the fucking notes with the stupid Agong face. The cost will be RM800 and I think there's cheaper shop out there but I need to find out more. Well, my arm is just thin, shouldn't be that expensive, and also depends on the artist.
Need to buy so much thing but I have so little bucks in my hand. I wonder when can I earn this much money to pay what I'm spending now.
People ask me, why not continue degree? 1st, My dad don't print notes, and I really want to start earn my fucking salary.2ND, working experience is more than anything. I might learn more things while I'm working compare to studying(as you know,Limkokwing University is kinda shitty).
Shit!3.40am already. Tomorrow 9am class....I'm gonna wake up late!
Recently, I am so desperate to get a half arm tattoo. Actually is not suddenly-make-up-my mind kinda thing. I wanted to have it long long ago just that I need the fucking notes with the stupid Agong face. The cost will be RM800 and I think there's cheaper shop out there but I need to find out more. Well, my arm is just thin, shouldn't be that expensive, and also depends on the artist.
Need to buy so much thing but I have so little bucks in my hand. I wonder when can I earn this much money to pay what I'm spending now.
People ask me, why not continue degree? 1st, My dad don't print notes, and I really want to start earn my fucking salary.2ND, working experience is more than anything. I might learn more things while I'm working compare to studying(as you know,Limkokwing University is kinda shitty).
Shit!3.40am already. Tomorrow 9am class....I'm gonna wake up late!
What ever title you name it.
0 Comments Published by Speaker on Saturday, January 20, 2007 at 2:51 PM.
Dear a girl that I hurt,
I know you will read it, and I really have to say this, The life is happy or sad, is all about the way you think it is. There's so many way to see the life and a thing. Of cause you will think that's easy for me. When get hurt by some one, you can blame the person who hurt you, and how about the person him self? He only can blame him self.
When you carry a big heavy bag, you will feel tired, and of cause you need to rest. But if you still carry the big heavy bag and sitting down for resting, then that will not makes any different. You have the right to choose the way you live, and only your self.
I should not say that much because I am the match of the fire. Just remember the fire will stop some how. But it depends how fast you want it to be, I cant do much, because I started the fire.
I know you will read it, and I really have to say this, The life is happy or sad, is all about the way you think it is. There's so many way to see the life and a thing. Of cause you will think that's easy for me. When get hurt by some one, you can blame the person who hurt you, and how about the person him self? He only can blame him self.
When you carry a big heavy bag, you will feel tired, and of cause you need to rest. But if you still carry the big heavy bag and sitting down for resting, then that will not makes any different. You have the right to choose the way you live, and only your self.
I should not say that much because I am the match of the fire. Just remember the fire will stop some how. But it depends how fast you want it to be, I cant do much, because I started the fire.
Seriously, what's a friend for? Some of them are, " When ever they need you, they will by your side". That's what I hate the most. When nothing goes wrong, they doesnt need you at all, they don't even send you a sms during new year or what ever holiday. But when they need you, they will say to you: "Come on la...friend that also can't help ar??" and this is extremely fucked up.
Another kind of friend, we call them close friend. For close friend, they actually have many type for example the friend I like the most,they will always say "don't worry, whatever decision,I support you." That's so sweet, and that's what close friend for. But there's some will like they own a close friend,and they will tell you what to do.Come on, people will think by them self, what they need from friend is just a little support,and you not suppose to think for them.
I'm stuck what should I say. Bloody sleepy,and just ignore what I said if you dont get it. and last, thanks for reading my blog. nighty night.
Another kind of friend, we call them close friend. For close friend, they actually have many type for example the friend I like the most,they will always say "don't worry, whatever decision,I support you." That's so sweet, and that's what close friend for. But there's some will like they own a close friend,and they will tell you what to do.Come on, people will think by them self, what they need from friend is just a little support,and you not suppose to think for them.
I'm stuck what should I say. Bloody sleepy,and just ignore what I said if you dont get it. and last, thanks for reading my blog. nighty night.
In the 95% training, I've learnt about advertising strategy thinking, creative thinking, speak up and my self. I have done so much activity and work for example speak to stranger. All the activity is not about other people but my self. I notice that, brain and heart actually are separate.Brain is for us to process "what do you think" and Heart is to answer "How do you feel". Normally, human especially adult, they just follow what the brain is telling them what to do, what is in the mind.But they forgot how they actually feel in the heart. So, I think when you stuck with your brain and don't know what to do, just ask your heart,let it answer,follow it.
Okay, other than that, I have a story to share.
I will describe Janet as an eye drop,Peter is a Map, and Shahnaz is driver A.
When I step in college, is like I sit in a car, want to go to my destination, which is my future. So after college life started, is like I started the engine and driving on the road all alone. Getting longer and longer, I felt bored, tired.My eyes getting real tired and dry. I start moving slowly because I can't really see clearly where I suppose to go.
THEN, I joined 95%, I have 3 item with me, which is a map,eye drop, and a driver following behind me. 1st, I met the driver.He's behind me and forcing me to move faster or fuck off from the track. So,if I don't want to give up,I need to move faster, and I choose to move on. Then, eye drop helps me. It make my eyes not tired anymore,and I can see even clearer where I suppose to go. Besides, I have a map,which is having all the information that I need, and I just need to figure out by myself,cause map don't speak by it self.
This is the story that I can think of for 3 persons in 95% that have given me.Thanks a lot!!!
Okay, other than that, I have a story to share.
I will describe Janet as an eye drop,Peter is a Map, and Shahnaz is driver A.
When I step in college, is like I sit in a car, want to go to my destination, which is my future. So after college life started, is like I started the engine and driving on the road all alone. Getting longer and longer, I felt bored, tired.My eyes getting real tired and dry. I start moving slowly because I can't really see clearly where I suppose to go.
THEN, I joined 95%, I have 3 item with me, which is a map,eye drop, and a driver following behind me. 1st, I met the driver.He's behind me and forcing me to move faster or fuck off from the track. So,if I don't want to give up,I need to move faster, and I choose to move on. Then, eye drop helps me. It make my eyes not tired anymore,and I can see even clearer where I suppose to go. Besides, I have a map,which is having all the information that I need, and I just need to figure out by myself,cause map don't speak by it self.
This is the story that I can think of for 3 persons in 95% that have given me.Thanks a lot!!!
Finally, 95% Creative in Progress is over! There's a joy and sad. Happy that I've completed the 2 month course. As Wilson said, we're upgraded. But, it also means that 17 of us will not able to work together,share together in the same class anymore. Also, cant see Janet,Peter,Shanaz that often anymore.
In the whole course, I have learn not just about Advertising but also my self. What makes a great and successful person?What I've got is 'that's all about you and your self'. No people can make you move if you don't want to. Other than that, also about how do you look at your self. There's so many people actually don't know what they really want. They just answer them self with the shallow answer. When you are thinking, you think deeper,is your mind. When you go deeper, is your heart. When you go even deeper,that's you.
So,please don't just tell people that,actually I'm this kind of person,I need this,I wanna be like that,my future is blablablahhh.. Before you reach the real you, you are still giving your self the shallow answer to fulfill you own.
Done the 'philosophy' thingy. Back to my self,my life.
Now, I felt pressure,lonely,confuse. Don't ask me why,I don't know and I don't care. I will fine after I wake up. Sleepy. Tired. Nite.
In the whole course, I have learn not just about Advertising but also my self. What makes a great and successful person?What I've got is 'that's all about you and your self'. No people can make you move if you don't want to. Other than that, also about how do you look at your self. There's so many people actually don't know what they really want. They just answer them self with the shallow answer. When you are thinking, you think deeper,is your mind. When you go deeper, is your heart. When you go even deeper,that's you.
So,please don't just tell people that,actually I'm this kind of person,I need this,I wanna be like that,my future is blablablahhh.. Before you reach the real you, you are still giving your self the shallow answer to fulfill you own.
Done the 'philosophy' thingy. Back to my self,my life.
Now, I felt pressure,lonely,confuse. Don't ask me why,I don't know and I don't care. I will fine after I wake up. Sleepy. Tired. Nite.
I noticed, my memory getting bad. I didn't know that until she said to me, why you always forgot?Remember!!
Not sure is that thinking to much of thing,so can't focus on something else or what, sometimes I did said some thing to a person but after awhile I forgot.
So today, I asked my self. My brain talk to my heart. Brain ask:' Do you notice I getting weak?' Heart said:' No,just that sometimes when you receiving something, you didn't work with me and you receiving and thinking in the same time.'
Ya,that's the problem. Well, I really need to practice for this shit,because of thing problem,I always break some promise and I don't even notice.That's suck.
Not sure is that thinking to much of thing,so can't focus on something else or what, sometimes I did said some thing to a person but after awhile I forgot.
So today, I asked my self. My brain talk to my heart. Brain ask:' Do you notice I getting weak?' Heart said:' No,just that sometimes when you receiving something, you didn't work with me and you receiving and thinking in the same time.'
Ya,that's the problem. Well, I really need to practice for this shit,because of thing problem,I always break some promise and I don't even notice.That's suck.
Just finish watching Rocky Balboe (a.k.a Rocky 6). Like the previous episode, they will have the same soundtrack and the rocky running till the top of the staircase in front of some building. Well, he's right. So many people just looking back,what they did,how great their are,but what's the future?What they really want?What's their life?
You don't point your finger to other people when you aren't having a life. Some times, people can't move forward,they will start looking around. And usually what they see is surrounding pulling him back.But he doesn't notice actually him self didn't make a step.
Agree with rocky,what he said always right. When you feel like want to do it,then do it. Don't think about how hard you will get hurt,but how can you stand up after get hurt.
Rocky,you are old,but you rock!
You don't point your finger to other people when you aren't having a life. Some times, people can't move forward,they will start looking around. And usually what they see is surrounding pulling him back.But he doesn't notice actually him self didn't make a step.
Agree with rocky,what he said always right. When you feel like want to do it,then do it. Don't think about how hard you will get hurt,but how can you stand up after get hurt.
Rocky,you are old,but you rock!
Yes!!Finally done my presentation for 95%. And it also mean that my course is going to finish soon.
This 2 month, I have learnt so many things including the way so see the life. Some times, we wanted to do something, but when we're doing on it,we are lost the way. Sometimes we just doing it because we are doing it,and we even forgot why we are doing it.
You just cant stand to close in front of mirror to look at your self. Most of the time we need at least one step back, so that you can see your self clearer.
This 2 month, I have learnt so many things including the way so see the life. Some times, we wanted to do something, but when we're doing on it,we are lost the way. Sometimes we just doing it because we are doing it,and we even forgot why we are doing it.
You just cant stand to close in front of mirror to look at your self. Most of the time we need at least one step back, so that you can see your self clearer.
Morning, oh no..suppose to be afternoon. The second day of a week, the first day of the year. Nothing much different I guess. Flash back the past 1 year,what I've been done? Hmm... I was hurt some people so much that I don't even know how to describe. Other than that, I have complete 2 semester of my studies...okay, let's list down like that Peter Gan told us.
-Started my own brand Grotx with my friend.
-done 7 designs and selling in the market.
-took part in radioactive d'bazaar.
-started a website for my brand.
-get to learn how to setup a domain and host from Andrew Wong.
-took part in 95%
and others,i really cant remember. I really appreciate what I've learn in 95%. The first thank you of this year,I would like to say to Janet, Peter, and Shanazz.(correct me the spelling)
-Started my own brand Grotx with my friend.
-done 7 designs and selling in the market.
-took part in radioactive d'bazaar.
-started a website for my brand.
-get to learn how to setup a domain and host from Andrew Wong.
-took part in 95%
and others,i really cant remember. I really appreciate what I've learn in 95%. The first thank you of this year,I would like to say to Janet, Peter, and Shanazz.(correct me the spelling)