Grotesque Me

I've found the Secret!

OK, thanks Ron for remind me that i have this out dated blog to blog.

I've thousand of pictures(ok, not that much,only few) that I took in Singapore, and I'm so lazy to upload them, so later k.

Today, I'd like to share with you guys the secret that i've found. I know some of my 95% classmate already watch it, but I also know that's so many people out there doesn't know it. So, if you want to makes somethings different in your life, you should watch it.

The Secret, have DVD and Book. It expose the secret of Universe. I get something from there, I'm not sure if you could?


I've working in Singapore for 2 months already, and I'm damn fine here. The life is getting better while I'm started to get used to it already. Pressure of the work? Nah, not really that pressure, just some time need to face those Clients, and you should know some typical clients are really weeeeeeeeew....for example:

I've this clients from LG Electronic, and after the catalogue thingy (was a long story) he want me to design a mag ads for him, and after I brief by my boss, then I just done exactly what i've been told and email to the client. So finally i got the reply, "this is not an ads,at all"(something like that)..So I was like ok,this is fucked up, coz this is what I've been brief and approve by my boss. Ok never mind, re do LOH~
After that, I got a reply again, saying the ads is not bad just need some amendment.
(at least this time 'like an ads' huh?!)

Well, sometimes is hard to deal because they don't speak our 'language', we can't tell them, your design will be in Window layout, and with the San serif font as the headline and 9 pt size of copy at the bottom with abit of gradient background. Do you get my point?

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